Note Legali

Mediterranea SRL - Mediterranea s.r.l.
Viale Venezia 101
33054 Lignano Sabbiadoro Udine
Tel +39 0431 722076
Fax +39 0431 720720
Partita IVA 02438160307
Sito Web

All personal data collected by Mediterranea s.r.l. will be processed in full compliance with all provisions stated in the Italian Law D.Lgs. 196/2003, which enacted legal regulation regarding safety and security in the processing of personal data and the user is entitled to exercise all rights as provided for in article 13 of the Italian Law number 675/96. According to the article 7 of the Italian law D.Lgs 196/03 any data subject has the right to obtain any information relating to the processing of his data or to the kind of specifically required data and their source; moreover this data subject has the right to check if the above mentioned data are right, to ask for their integration, their updating or their rectification or, in case any breach of the law had occurred, the data subject has the right to have his personal data erased, transformed into an anonym form or even blocked easily by communicating his will to the Mediterranea s.r.l. address.


In charge for processing personal data is:

The processing of data is carried out in such a way as to assure the utmost discretion with the aid of automatic devices to store, manage and pass on the above mentioned data. Mediterranea s.r.l. will not be liable for consequences caused by force majeure events or by events not depending on his own will. Mediterranea s.r.l. will not be held responsible for possible data processing carried out by advertising companies hosted on the web-site

Mediterranea s.r.l. does not process sensitive data. Therefore we kindly ask our customers not to fill in the form any data relating to their ethnic origin, to their religious, philosophical nor political beliefs, or to their membership in trade unions, political parties or religious associations. The data you entered may be used for communication purposes by Mediterranea s.r.l..

All writings, artworks and software on this web site are protected according to copyright provisions, patent regulations and intellectual property law.
All goods and companies mentioned on this web site are trade marks belonging to their owner or holder and they can be protected by patents or copyright allowed or registered by specific authorities. Therefore they can be downloaded or used for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes, hence nothing, not even a single part can be reproduced, modified nor sold for profit purposes.


Under no condition Mediterranea s.r.l. will be liable for any damages caused by direct or indirect access to the website, by the use of interactive devices, by inability or impossibility to enter the website, nor by any information included in it. Mediterranea s.r.l. reserves the right to modify the website contents as well as legal remarks at any time and without prior notification.


Main target of this website is providing users with immediate and precise information: therefore users are kindly asked to notify us of possible errors or malfunctions through informative pages as well as through interactive services. We will take all necessary steps to correct them as soon as possible.


Mediterranea s.r.l. is not liable for what concernes websites accessible from links contained within his website. Mediterranea s.r.l. is not liable for information the user may get by entering websites accessible via hyertext links. Hence for entirety and precision of information those to be held responsible are owners of this websites, which can be entered according to terms and conditions stated by the same websites.